can be
or asked by email to: giuseppe.pontrelli at
- E. Cristiani, M. Grassi, F.L. Ignoto, G. Pontrelli, Dissolution of variable-in-shape drug particles via the level-set method, Appl. Math. Mod., vol. 142, 2025 (preprint).
- A. Jain, G. Pontrelli, S. McGinty, Laplace transform based modeling of drug delivery with reversible drug binding in a multilayer tissue, Pharm. Res., 2024 (preprint).
- L. Desmond, S. Margini, E. Barchiesi, G. Pontrelli, A.N. Phan, P. Gentile, Layer-by-layer
assembly of nanotheranostic particles for simultaneous delivery of
docetaxel and doxorubicin to target osteosarcoma, APL Bioeng., vol. 8, 016113, 2024 (preprint).
- E.J. Carr, G. Pontrelli, Modelling functionalized drug release for a spherical capsule, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., vol. 222, 125065, 2024 (preprint).
- G. Bretti, S. McGinty, G. Pontrelli, Modeling smart drug release with functionally graded materials, Comp. Biol. & Med., vol. 164, 107294, 2023 (preprint).
- A. Jain, D. King, G. Pontrelli, S. McGinty, Controlling release from encapsulated drug-loaded devices: insights from modeling the dissolution front propagation, J. Contr. Release, vol 360, pp. 225–235, 2023 (preprint).
- S. Salvi, A. Jain, G. Pontrelli, S. McGinty, Modeling dual drug delivery from eluting stents: the influence of non-linear binding competition and non-uniform drug loading, Pharm. Res., 2022 (preprint).
- A. Jain, K. Subbarao, S. McGinty, G. Pontrelli, Optimization of initial drug distribution in spherical capsules for personalized release, Pharm. Res., vol. 39, pp. 2607-2620, 2022 (preprint).
- F. de Monte, G. D'Alessandro, S. Becker, G. Pontrelli, Continuum models of drug transport to multiple cell-type population,
Chapt. 5 in "Modeling of Mass Transport Processes in Biological Media"
(Becker, Kuznetsov, de Monte, Pontrelli, Zhao, Eds), Elsevier, 2022 (preprint).
- M. Abrami, M. Grassi, D. Masiello, G. Pontrelli, Dissolution of irregularly-shaped drug particles: mathematical modelling, Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., vol. 77, pp. 199-210, 2022 (preprint).
- N. Roselli, A Castagnino, G. Pontrelli, R. Natalini, A.I. Barakat, Modeling ATP-mediated endothelial cell elongation on line patterns, Biomech. Model. in Mechanobiol., 2022 (preprint).
- E. Barchiesi, T. Wareing, L. Desmond, A.N. Phan, P. Gentile, G. Pontrelli, Characterization of the shells in layer-by-layer nanofunctionalized particles: a computational study, Frontiers Bioeng. Biotechn., vol. 10, 888944, 2022 (preprint).
- P. Rochowski, G. Pontrelli, Mass diffusion in multi-layer systems: an electrical analogue modelling approach, Comp. Biol. & Med., vol. 148, 105774, 2022 (preprint).
- A. Jain, S. McGinty, G. Pontrelli, Drug diffusion and release from a bioerodible spherical capsule, Int. J. Pharmaceutics, vol. 616, 121442, 2022 (preprint).
- A. Jain, S. McGinty, G. Pontrelli, L. Zhou, Theoretical modelling of endovascular drug delivery into a multilayer arterial wall from a drug-coated balloon, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., vol. 187, 122572, 2022 (preprint).
- S. Becker, A.V. Kuznetsov, D. Zhao, F. de Monte, G.Pontrelli, Model of drug delivery to populations composed of two cell types, J. Theor. Biol. vol. 534, 110947, 2022 (preprint).
- A. Jain, S. McGinty, G. Pontrelli, L. Zhou, Theoretical model for diffusion-reaction based drug delivery from a multilayer spherical capsules, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf, vol. 183, 122072, 2022 (preprint).
- Y. Wang, K. Zhang, G. Pontrelli et al., Macrophage membrane functionalized biomimetic nanoparticles for targeted anti-atherosclerosis applications, Theranostics, vol. 11, 1, pp. 164-180, 2021 (preprint).
- G. Pontrelli, G. Toniolo, S. McGinty, D. Peri, S. Succi, C. Chatgilialoglu, Mathematical modelling of drug delivery from pH-responsive nanocontainers, Comp. Biol & Med., vol. 131, 104238, 2021 (preprint).
- G. Pontrelli, E.J. Carr, A. Tiribocchi, S. Succi, Modeling drug delivery from multiple emulsions, Phys. Rev. E.,102, 023114, 2020 (preprint).
- G. Pontrelli, O. Farago, A Langevin dynamics approach for multi-layer mass transfer problems, Comp. Biol & Med., vol. 124, 103932, 2020 (preprint).
- Y. Yin, J. Wang, M. Yang, R. Du, G. Pontrelli, S. McGinty et al., Penetration of the blood–brain barrier and the anti-tumour effect of a novel PLGA-lysoGM1/DOX micelle drug delivery system, Nanoscale, 12, 2946, 2020 (preprint).
- C.M. McKittrick, G. Pontrelli, S. McGinty et al., Combining mathematical modelling with in vitro experiments to predict in vivo drug-eluting stent performance, J. Contr. Release, vol. 303, 151-161, 2019 (preprint).
- Y. Wang, K. Zhang, G. Pontrelli et al., Biomimetic nanotherapies: red blood cell based core-shell structured nanocomplexes for atherosclerosis management, Advanced Science, 1900172, 2019 (preprint).
- E.J. Carr, G. Pontrelli, Drug delivery from microcapsules: how can we estimate the release time?, Math. Biosci, vol. 315, 108216, 2019 (preprint).
- M. Meere, G. Pontrelli, S. McGinty, Modelling phase separation in amorphous solid dispersions, Acta Biomateralia, vol. 94, pp. 410-424, 2019 (preprint).
- E.J. Carr, G. Pontrelli, Modelling mass diffusion for a multi-layer sphere immersed in a semi-infinite medium: application to drug delivery, Math. Biosci., vol. 303, pp. 1-9, 2018 (preprint).
- E. Di Costanzo, A.I. Barakat, G. Pontrelli, Effect of flow on ATP/ADP concentration at the endothelial cell surface: interplay between shear stress and mass transport , Z Angew Math. Mech., vol. 98, pp. 1493-1502, 2018 (preprint).
- R. Du, Y. Wang, G. Pontrelli et al., Design and testing of hydrophobic core/hydrophilic shell nano/micro particles for drug-eluting stent coating, NPG Asia Materials, online pp. 1-17, 2018 (preprint).
- B. Kaoui, M. Lauricella, G. Pontrelli, Mechanistic modelling of drug release from multi-layer capsules, Comp. Biol. & Med., vol. 93, pp. 149-157, 2018 (preprint).
- M. Marino, G. Pontrelli, G. Vairo, P. Wriggers, A chemo-mechano-biological formulation for the effects of biomechemical alterations on arterial mechanics: the role of molecular transport and multiscale tissue remodelling, J. Roy. Soc. Interf., 14, 20170615, 2017 (preprint).
- A. Montessori, I. Halliday, M. Lauricella, S.V. Lishchuk, G. Pontrelli, T.J. Spencer, S. Succi, Multicomponent Lattice Boltzmann Models for Biological Applications,
chapt. 20 in Numerical Methods and Advanced Simulation in
Biomechanics and Biological Processes (Eds. M. Cerrolaza, S. J.
Shefelbine and D. Garzon-Alvarado), pp. 357-370, Academic Press, 2017 (preprint).
- G. Pontrelli, L. Simon, The choice of a performance indicator of release in transdermal drug delivery systems,
chapt. 4 in Biomedical Technology, Lect. Notes Appl. Comput.
Mech., vol 84 (Eds. P. Wriggers, T. Lenarz), Springer, pp. 49-64,
online, 2017 (preprint).
- F. Cipolletta, M. Lauricella, G. Pontrelli, D. Pisignano, S. Succi, Effects of orthogonal rotating electric fields on electrospinning process, Phys. Fluids, 29, 082003, 2017 (preprint).
- S. McGinty, D. King, G. Pontrelli, Mathematical modelling of variable porosity coatings for controlled drug release, Med. Eng. Phys. vol. 45, 51-60, 2017 (preprint).
- M. Marino, G. Pontrelli, G. Vairo, P. Wriggers, Coupling microscale transport and tissue mechanics: modelling strategies for arterial multiphysics, in Modelling of microscale transport in biological processes, chapt 4, Ed. S. Becker, Elsevier, pp. 77-112, 2017 (preprint).
- E. Di Costanzo, A Giacomello, E. Messina, R. Natalini, G. Pontrelli, F. Rossi, R. Smiths, M. Twarogowska, A discrete in continuous mathematical model of cardiac progenitor cells formation and growth as spheroid clusters (cardiospheres), Math. Med. & Biol., online, pp. 1-24, 2017 (preprint).
- G. Pontrelli, M. Lauricella, J. Ferreira, G. Pena, Iontophoretic transdermal drug delivery: a multi-layered approach, Math. Med. & Biol., vol. 34, pp. 559-576, 2017 (preprint).
- S. McGinty, G. Pontrelli, On the role of specific drug binding in modelling arterial eluting stents, J. Math. Chem., vol. 54, 967-976, 2016 (preprint).
- I. Halliday, S.V. Lishchuk, T.J. Spencer, G. Pontrelli, P. Evans, Local membrane length conservation in two-dimensional vesicle simulation using multi-component lattice-Boltzmann equation method, Phys. Rev. E, vol 94, 023306, 2016 (preprint).
- M. Lauricella, G. Pontrelli, D. Pisignano, S. Succi, Dynamic mesh refinement for discrete models of jet electro-hydrodynamics, J. Comput. Science, online 2016 (preprint).
- S. McGinty, G. Pontrelli, A general model of coupled drug release and tissue absorption for drug delivery devices, J. Contr. Release, vol. 217, 327-336, 2015 (preprint).
- M. Lauricella, G. Pontrelli, I. Coluzza, D. Pisignano, S. Succi, JETSPIN: a specific-purpose open-source software for simulations of nanofiber electrospinning, Comp. Physics Comm., Vol. 197, 227–238, 2015 (preprint).
- G. Pontrelli, I. Halliday, T.J. Spencer, C.S. König, M.W. Collins, Modelling the glycocalyx-endothelium-erythrocyte interaction in the microcirculation: a computational study, Comp. Meth. Biomech. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 18, No. 4, 351–361 2015 (preprint).
- F. de Monte, G. Pontrelli, S. M. Becker, Transdermal drug delivery and percutaneous absorption: mathematical modeling perspectives,
in Heat transf & Fluid Flow in biological processes, Ed. S.M.
Becker, A.V. Kuznetsov, chap. 10, pp. 273-304, Elsevier, 2015 (preprint).
- F. Bozsak, J.M. Chomaz, A.I. Barakat, G. Pontrelli, On the role of phase change in modelling drug-eluting stents,
in Biomedical Technology, Lect. Notes Appl. Comput. Mech., vol
74, (eds. T. Lenarz & P. Wriggers), pp. 69-80, Springer, 2014 (preprint).
- G. Pontrelli, F. de Monte, A two-phase two-layer model for transdermal drug delivery and percutaneous absorption, Math. Biosci, vol. 257, 96-103, 2014 (preprint).
- G. Pontrelli, I. Halliday, S. Melchionna, T. Spencer, S. Succi, On the lattice Boltzmann method as a computational framework for multiscale hemodynamics, Math. Comp. Modelling Dynam. Syst., vol. 20, 5, pp. 470-490, 2014 (preprint).
- G. Pontrelli, D. Gentili, S. Succi, I. Coluzza, D. Pisignano, Effects of non-linear rheology on the electrospinning process: a model study, Mech. Res. Comm., vol. 61, pp. 41-46, 2014 (preprint).
- F. de Monte, G. Pontrelli, S. Becker, Drug release in biological tissues,
in Transport in biological media, Ed. S.M. Becker, A. V. Kuznetsov,
chap. 3, pp. 59-118, Academic Press, 2013 (preprint).
- X. Descovich, G. Pontrelli, S. Melchionna, S. Succi, S. Wassertheurer, Modelling fluid flows in distensible tubes for applications in hemodynamics, Int. J. Modern Phys. C, vol. 24, 5, 1350030-1-20, 20013 (preprint).
- G. Pontrelli, A. Di Mascio, F. de Monte, Local mass non-equilibrium dynamics in multi-layered porous media: application to the drug-eluting stents, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., Vol. 66, pp. 844-854, 2013 (preprint).
- S. Melchionna, G. Pontrelli, M. Bernaschi, M. Bisson, I. Halliday, T.J. Spencer, S. Succi, The lattice Boltzmann method as a general framework for blood flow modelling and simulations, in Micro and Nano Flow Systems for Bioanalysis, M.W. Collins and C. S. König (Eds.), chap. 10, pp. 153-170, Springer, 2013 (preprint).
- I. Halliday, S.V. Lishchuk, T. J Spencer, G. Pontrelli, C.M. Care, Multiple-component lattice Boltzmann equation for fluid-filled vesicles in flow, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 87, 023307, 2013 (preprint).
- G. Pontrelli, C. S. König, I.Halliday, T.J. Spencer, M.W. Collins, Q. Long, S. Succi, Modelling wall shear stress in small arteries using Lattice Boltzmann method: influence of the endothelial wall profile, Med. Eng. Phys, vol. 33, n. 7, pp. 832-839, 2011 (preprint).
- I. Halliday, M. Atherton, M.W. Collins, G. Pontrelli et al., Multiscale interaction of particulate flow and the arterial wall, Med. Eng. Phys, vol. 33, n. 7, pp. 840-848, 2011 (preprint).
- J. Janela, A. Sequeira, G. Pontrelli, S. Succi, S. Ubertini, Unstructured lattice-Boltzmann method for hemodynamic flows with shear-dependent viscosity, Int. J. Modern Physics C, vol. 21, 6, pp. 1-17, 2010 (preprint (pdf file, 694Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, F. de Monte, A multi-layer porous wall model for coronary drug-eluting stents, Int J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol.53, pp. 3629-3637, 2010 (preprint (pdf file, 680Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, F. de Monte, Modeling of mass dynamics in arterial drug-eluting stents, J. Porous Media, Vol. 12, 1, pp. 19-28, 2009 (preprint (pdf file, 490Kb)).
- L. Davia, M. Grassi, G. Pontrelli et al., Mathematical modelling of NABD release from endoluminal gel paved stent, Comp. Biol and Chem., 33, pp. 39-40, 2009 (preprint (pdf file, 1021Kb)).
M. Grassi, G. Grassi, G. Pontrelli, L. Teresi, Novel design of
drug delivery in stented artery: a numerical comparative study, Math.
Bio. & Eng., vol 6, n. 3, pp. 493-508, 2009 (preprint (pdf file, 357Kb)).
- G.
Pontrelli, S. Ubertini, S. Succi, The unstructured Lattice
Boltzmann method for Non-Newtonian flows, J. Stat. Mech.:
Theory & Exp., P06005, 2009 (preprint (pdf file, 674Kb)).
G. Pontrelli, F. de Monte, Mass
diffusion through two-layer porous media: an application to the
drug-eluting stent, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., Vol. 50, pp.
3658-3669, 2007 (preprint
(pdf file, 700 Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, A. Tatone,
Concentration wave of a solute in an
artery: the influence of curvature, Comp.
Meth. Biomech. & Biomed. Engineering, Vol. 10, 2, pp. 129-136, 2007 (preprint (pdf
file, 449 Kb)).
G. Pontrelli, F. de Monte, Modelling
of mass convection-diffusion in stent-based drug delivery, XXV
Congresso Nazionale UIT sulla Trasmissione del Calore, Trieste, 18-20
Giugno 2007 (preprint
(pdf file, 149 Kb)).
G. Grassi, M. Grassi, G. Pontrelli, L. Teresi, Modelling drug release in cardiovascular
eluting stents, in Modelling cardiovascular system and
mechanical circulatory support. (C. De Lazzari Ed.), CNR, pp. 135-151,
2007 (preprint
(pdf file, 905 Kb)).
G. Pontrelli, A. Tatone, Wave
propagation in a fluid flowing
through a curved thin-walled elastic tube, Euro. J. of Mech. - B
/Fluids, Vol. 25, pp. 987-1007, 2006 (preprint
(pdf file, 804 Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, The role of the
arterial prestress in blood flow dynamics, Med. Eng. & Phys., Vol.
28, pp. 6-12, 2006 (preprint (pdf
file, 385 Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, F. de Monte, M. Prosi, Drug delivery in biological tissues: an
application to the eluting stent, Proc. 7th Int. Symp. on
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
(CMBBE2006), Antibes (FR), 22-25 March 2006 (preprint
file, 86 Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, A. Tatone, Propagation of a solute wave in a curved
vessel, in Blood flow: modelling and diagnostics, Ed. T.A.
Kowalewski, Abiomed Lect. Notes, Vol. 6, pp. 415-426, 2005 (preprint (pdf
file, 179 Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, A. Tatone, Blood
flow through a curved artery, in Applied and
Industrial Mathematics in Italy, Series on Adv. Math. Appl. Sci,
Vol. 69, (M. Primicerio, R. Spigler, V. Valente Eds.), World
Scientific, pp. 451-462, 2005 (preprint (pdf
file, 388 Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, A. Tatone, A mathematical model of solute dynamics in
a curved artery, in Modelling in
Medicine and Biology VI, (Ursino, Brebbia, Pontrelli & Magosso
Eds.), WIT Press, pp. 319-330, 2005.
- P. Nardinocchi, G. Pontrelli, L. Teresi, A one-dimensional model for blood flow in
prestressed vessels, Europ. J. Mech. A/Solids, pp. 23-33, 2005 (preprint (pdf file, 213 Kb)).
- D. Funaro, G. Pontrelli, A
general class of finite-difference methods for the linear transport
equation, Comm. Math. Sci, vol. 3, 3, pp. 403-423, 2005 (preprint (pdf file, 309 Kb)).
- U. Iemma, G. Pontrelli, An
integral formulation for fluid-structure interaction in hemodynamics,
chapt. 6 of the book: Wall-fluid
interactions in physiological
flows, Eds. M.W. Collins, G. Pontrelli & M.A. Atherton, WIT
pp. 151-171, 2004 (Preprint
(pdf file, 178 Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, G. Pedrizzetti, Numerical modelling of blood flow in a stented artery,
chapt. 7 of the book: Wall-fluid
interactions in physiological
flows, Eds. M.W. Collins, G. Pontrelli & M.A. Atherton, WIT
pp. 173-188, 2004 (Preprint
(pdf file, 451 Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, A multiscale
approach for modelling wave
propagation in an arterial segment, Comp. Meth. Biomech and
Engin. vol 7, n.2, pp. 79-89, 2004 (Preprint
(pdf file, 203 Kb)).
- A. Di Carlo, P. Nardinocchi, G. Pontrelli, L.
Teresi, A heterogeneous
approach for modelling blood
flow in an arterial segment, in Simulation in Biomedicine V,
Eds. Arnez, Brebbia, Solina & Stankovski, WIT Press, pp. 69-78,
2003 (Preprint
(pdf file, 221 Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, E. Rossoni, Numerical
modelling of the pressure wave propagation in the arterial flow,
Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, Vol. 43, n.6/7, pp. 651-671, 2003 (Preprint
(pdf file, 252 Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, A mathematical model of flow in a
viscoelastic tube, Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., Vol. 40, pp. 550-556,
(Preprint (pdf file, 397Kb)).
- M. Grigioni, C. Daniele, G. D'Avenio, G. Pontrelli, The role
of wall shear stress in unsteady vascular dynamics, Progress
in Biomedical Research, Vol. 7, 3, pp. 204-212, 2002 (Preprint
(pdf file, 1.2 Mb)).
- G. Pontrelli, Nonlinear pulse propagation in blood flow
in Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2000, (M. Anile, V.
A. Greco Eds.), Springer, pp. 630-635, 2002.
- G. Pontrelli, Nonlinear problems in arterial flows,
Analysis, Vol. 47, pp. 4905-4915, 2001 (Preprint
(pdf file, 213Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, Modelling the fluid-wall interaction in a
vessel, Progress in Biomedical Research, Vol. 6, 4, pp. 330-338,
(Preprint (pdf file, 175Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, Blood flow through an axisymmetric stenosis,
Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Part H J. Eng. in Medicine, Vol. 215,
no. 1, pp.1-10, 2001 (Preprint (pdf file, 207Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, Blood flow through a circular pipe with an
pressure gradient, Math. Mod. & Meth. Appl.Sci.,
10, n. 2, pp. 187-202, 2000 (Preprint
file, 455Kb)).
- G. Pontrelli, Pulsatile blood flow in a pipe, Computers & Fluids,
Vol. 27, n. 3, pp. 367-380, 1998 (Preprint
file, 618Kb)).