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COPMAT Full-scale COmputational design of Porous mesoscale MATerials

Il progetto di Sauro Succi che ha vinto il finanziamento ERC Advanced Grant per 1.88 milioni di euro si chiama COPMAT, Full-scale COmputational design of mesoscale Porous MATerials , ed e' centrato sullo sviluppo di metodologie multiscala (dai cm ai nanometri) e relative simulazioni numeriche ad altissima risoluzione dei fenomeni microfluidici che stanno alla base del design di nuovi materiali porosi di utilizzo principalmente ma non esclusivamente biomedico.

COPMAT is targeted at making the most this opportunity through the pursuit of a single general goal: the full-scale simulation at nanometric resolution of micro-reactors for the design and synthesis of new tunable porous materials. In particular, we shall focus on the microfluidic design of: multi-jel materials, trabecular porous media and soft mesoscale molecules. We shall also explore new designs concepts based on unexplored microscale phenomena, such as the interaction between plasticity and nano-rugosity. The complex interplay between the highly non-linear rheology of soft materials and the major experimental control parameters leads to an engineering design of formidable complexity, characterized by a strong sensitivity of the macroscale material properties on the details of nanoscale interfacial interactions. COPMAT will tackle this formidable multiscale challenge through the deployment of an entirely new family of multiscale techniques, centered upon highly innovative extensions of the Lattice Boltzmann method and its combinations with Immersed Boundary Method, Dissipative Particle Dynamics and Dissipative Voronoi Dynamics. The success of COPMAT will be gauged by its capability of inspiring and realizing the design of microfluidic devices for the synthesis of novel families of porous materials for bio-engineering applications. The new paradigm established by COPMAT for the computational design of soft materials is expected to extend well beyond the time-horizon of the project.



PARTECIPANTS: best drug for erectile dysfunction, Marco Lauricella, Andrea Montessori

RESEARCH LINE: Modelli matematici e simulazione numerica della materia fluida, classica e quanto-relativistica (Mathematical modeling and numerical simulations for classical, quantistic and relativistic fluids)

START DATE: 2017-10-01

END DATE: 2022-09-30

FUNDING: 1.88 milioni di euro

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